I have just completed another season of traveling around the country putting on group seminars for people to quit smoking and/or to lose weight. It is a seasonal activity for a variety of reasons and people’s new year’s resolutions certainly is part of the equation.
Where ever we go it is inevitable that someone will ask “Does it work?” To which I sometimes jokingly reply, “No. We just travel around ripping people off.”
I follow that up with “Of course it works!” because people sometimes don’t get my sense of humor. But, yes – of course it works. In fact, I just posted on blog on my other web site, www.Ericksonian.com (I’ll put the link down below at the end of this posting if you want to read it) that describes my own, personal experience under going surgery using only hypnosis as anesthesia. Yes, hypnosis works.
In fact, it is pretty amazing what passes for hypnosis and it still works. Recently I witnessed what can only be described as pretty poor quality hypnosis being done with a group of people for smoking cessation (I like to check out how other people do it. I hope never to stop learning new things).
What amazed me about it was that people came out of the seminar happy and satisfied that it was going to work for them! In fact, I heard one woman call her friend on the phone and say, “I didn’t even think that I had been hypnotized but then he asked us how long we thought the trance was and I thought it was only 5 minutes, but it was half an hour! A tear came to my eye when I realized that because I knew it would work for me!”
In actual fact, if had been much shorter than a half hour. The hypnotist lied about it being 30 minutes, but she believed it and thus WAS hypnotized in that moment. Because if she’s walking out of there believing it is going to work, that is 90% of the battle. (And THAT is Hypnosis, isn’t it?)
SO – if even BAD hypnosis can work, just imaging what GOOD QUALITY hypnosis could do for you.
In the years I spent giving hypnosis treatments at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in New York with Dr. Oz’s Department of Complementary Medicine, I helped people’s pain diminish to nothing, helped shorten patient’s recovery times, helped people get over their fear of needles, and much more.
In the past few years I’ve had the privilege of helping thousands of people quit smoking and get on a path to healthy living (not just losing weight) through the group hypnosis sessions I’ve conducted all over the United States. I’m very glad to be able to report, unequivocally, yes. Hypnosis DOES work.
To read the article about my own experience using only hypnosis as anesthesia for a hernia operation, go to: http://www.ericksonian.com/going-under-the-knife